Is my BLR stay tax deductible?
Yes – some or all of your stay may be covered but only if you qualify per the steps below.
Here are the steps you will need to follow:
Step 1: See Your Physician
Print out and bring this Letter of Medical Necessity to your doctor. If your doctor determines that you have a weight-related medical condition and feels more comprehensive obesity management services are advised, have her or him fill out and sign the form.
Step 2: Book Your Stay
Call BLRN to book your stay.
If you have already completed you stay you may still be able to claim on your taxes by following the steps on this page.
Step 3: Experience BLRN and Claim on Your Taxes
After your stay at BLRN submit your signed Letter of Medical Necessity and your BLRN receipts as tax deductions.
You may use this BLRN Tax Deduction Checklist to explain to your accountant which aspects of the BLRN Program are deductible per IRS Publication 502.
For more information, consult your accountant or visit www.irs.gov.
Confused? Call us and we can help you understand the steps.
Additional Savings Potential
- Flexible Spending Accounts (also HSAs, MSAs, HRAs)