Weight loss has always been a game of changing one’s habits and sticking to a proven routine to reach an ultimate goal. Hard work, diligence and a focused adherence to that goal will result in success. Understanding the science behind weight loss is also important.
It doesn’t take a keen eye to notice that everyone has a different body type. Each body has its own metabolic rate, muscle-to-fat ratio, and skeletal structure. Even so, scientific studies have shown that the human body, no matter what specific “type”, will respond positively to focused changes in diet and physical activity. In this guide, the secrets for successful weight loss will be revealed.
Secret #1: Knowing your food (Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats)
Secret #2: Understanding the emotional triggers that lead us to eat the way we do
Secret #3: Recognizing your eating behaviors and habits
Secret #4: The impact of sleep and weight loss
Secret #5: The effect of energy levels and stress on weight loss
Secret #6: Appreciating how digestion impacts weight loss
Secret #7: Making healthy portion size decisions
Secret #8: How to eat out and still lose weight
Secret #9: Learn how to work out anytime and anywhere